Why Does Armour Thyroid Cause Hair Loss?
Many people suffer from hypothyroidism. It seems that women are more likely to get this disease than men. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormone for the body to function. Signs that someone is suffering from hypothyroidism are weight gain, a puffy face, muscle pain, heavy and irregular menstrual periods and depression.
Hypothyroidism is easily controlled with medicine. Synthroid is the most prescribed by doctors. Other medications, including generic drugs, work just as well. Once a person starts a particular medicine, it is best not to switch between other medicines. There is no typical dosage amount because people have varying degrees of thyroid disease. Doctors will monitor the thyroid function through blood work and tweak the dosage accordingly. Some doctors and their patients think a natural medicine will help control this condition better. One natural medicine is Armour Thyroid.
Armour Thyroid
Armour thyroid is a natural thyroid replacement, meaning it is not a synthetic drug, which can be prescribed by a doctor on its own or in conjunction with other medicine in the treatment of hypothyroidism. Doctors like this medicine because it is not a synthetic drug and because it contains both key hormones that the thyroid produces: levothyroxine and triiodothyronine. Even though most people find relief with this medicine, some people do suffer from side effects.
Side Effects
At first, most people taking this medicine do suffer from hair loss, but this side effect usually clears up in a few months. If the hair loss continues or gets worse, it is usually because the dosage is too high for that particular patient. Taking too much medicine can cause hyperthyroidism symptoms, which include hair loss.
Doctor's Role
A doctor will need to measure thyroid hormone levels in the blood to regulate the dosage. Doctors may change the medicine completely or just the dosage depending what the blood work shows. They should also monitor the thyroid more closely for awhile to make sure that the thyroid is performing as it should. Once it has stabilized, doctors can simply monitor their patients once a year.