How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow New Hair
Consult with your doctor or dermatologist to determine the cause. Certain medical conditions can cause hair loss in both men and women. Create a list of symptoms for your doctor, such as when you first noticed the hair loss, if it is continuous or if there appears to be pain or irritation involved. Also document if there have been any recent changes to your diet, stress levels, hair care products or medications. In some cases testing--such as a blood test, a pull test to determine how much hair is shedding, a punch biopsy or skin scraping--is required to determine if there are underlying health issues.
Discontinue chemical hair treatments. Hair treatments such as perms, straighteners and hair color will weaken your hair over time. If used excessively or improperly, they can also leave your hair overprocessed and susceptible to breakage. Discontinue these treatments and opt for natural, chemical-free hairstyles instead. If your hair loss is a result of these styling choices, discontinuing their use may be enough to promote the healthy growth of new hair.
Improving your diet can halt hair loss and stimulate hair growth. According to the Mayo Clinic, fad or crash diets, eating disorders or a lack of proper protein and iron can cause a loss of hair. Eat a well-balanced diet regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight. Your doctor can put you on a healthy eating plan or refer you to a nutritionist. If your doctor suspects an eating disorder, he will discuss therapy or treatment for the problem. Start a supplemental vitamin plan as directed by a doctor or take a daily vitamin.
Alleviate stress from your life. Certain types of hair loss can be caused by an excess of anxiety from everyday occurrences such as work or from a severe emotional or physical shock to your system. Determine the cause of your stress and make efforts to remove it from your life if possible. Schedule time every day to pursue activities that are relaxing and enjoyable to you. Once the stressful situation has resolved, hair growth will generally resume as normal within several months.
Take medication to promote hair growth. The type of medication and its potential for you depends on the cause and extent of your hair loss. Positive results are most common in mild cases of alopecia. Some of the treatments for hair loss are Minoxidil, cortisone injections, anthralin cream or ointment or Propecia. Medications are either over-the-counter, administered by your dermatologist, or by prescription.