Hair Regrowth After Scalp Ringworm
Scalp Ringworm
Scalp ringworm, or tinea capitis, is a fungal infection of the scalp that can cause itching, lesions that may be red and filled with pus, and sudden hair loss. The hair loss occurs because shafts of hair either break off, usually due to scratching, or fall out because of the fungus.
The scalp ringworm fungus thrives in moist, warm places, making those with minor scalp injuries, consistently wet heads and poor hygiene practices particularly vulnerable. However, the fungus can also be spread by using contaminated articles such as combs. Pets can also spread the fungus, particularly cats.
Scalp ringworm is treated with anti-fungal medications such as griseofulvin, terbinafine and itraconazole which are taken orally. These medications fight the fungus while medicated shampoos are used to prevent the fungus from spreading.
Hair Loss
Hair loss caused by scalp ringworm is usually temporary. This means that once the cause of the hair loss has gone, in this case the fungus, then the hair should begin its growth cycle again, meaning that hair lost during infection should eventually come back of its own accord, though shedding due to the infection may continue for six to eight months as it slows.
Scalp ringworm can be a persistent fungus, meaning that although the symptoms have gone the fungus may be developing once again. If you find that the amount of hair shedding as a result of infection has not decreased one or two months after the fungus has been treated, you may be starting a relapse and should consult your doctor. Scalp ringworm lesions can also cause scarring. If this happens it may make hair regrowth difficult. Consult your doctor concerning options for scar removal and stimulation of hair growth.