How to Battle Hair Loss
Check with your doctor. Lack of protein or iron, as well as certain prescription medicines can lead to hair loss. Your annual check-up is an ideal time to discuss your hair loss with your doctor. Bring up your concerns prior to the completion of blood tests, as your doctor may wish to specify certain tests before blood samples are sent in for analysis.
Consider medication. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is an over-the-counter topical formulation used worldwide with a fair bit of success and, unlike its prescription cousin, can be used by both males and females. It is applies directly to the scalp. You should note, however, that Minoxidil must be used continuously to retain the benefits. If you stop the treatment, all the hair regrown or retained as a result of the medication will likely be lost.
Propecia (finasteride), on the other hand is a prescription pill and can only be used by males. Especially if treatment is begun early, the drug can effectively stop hair loss. Consult with your doctor to determine if the drug may be suitable for you.
Most experts agree that natural remedies do not work. So you're better of avoiding herbal preparations (and, of course, miracle cures).
Consider transplant surgery--a more radical, but permanent solution. In this treatment, some of your own hair is removed from the neck area, where it tends to be strongest and rarely falls out, and transplanted into the balding areas. The hair will then grow normally, and, usually, others cannot tell that you have had surgery. The treatment is not cheap, and the hair will take a bit of time to grow once transplanted. Discuss the procedure with a clinic specializing in hair transplantation.