Homeopathic Cure for Thinning Hair
Homeopathic remedies are measured in centesimal dilution, or "c," for "hundredth." Take the following homeopathic remedies for controlling hair loss in 30c potency, three times a day (before breakfast, lunch and dinner) for the first two weeks. With successful results, continue for another two weeks, reducing the intake to twice a day (around lunch and dinner only). A month of treatment may cure your hair loss completely. (All these remedies are available in Indian specialty drug stores.)
Dandruff Treatment
When dandruff from a scaly, itchy scalp is the main culprit behind your hair loss, take kali sulphuricum, vinca minor or selenium. These three homeopathic remedies provide relief from irritated scalps, get rid of yellowish flakes of both dry and moist dandruff and decrease hair loss. They are also effective in controlling bald spots. If your hair falls out while you painfully comb through it, leaving unseemly bald spots on the scalp, try phosphorus or calcarea phosphorica.
Related Health Conditions
Women's bodies undergo many changes before and after childbirth and during nursing. One of these changes is the loss of scalp and body hair. In such cases, try either lycopodium clavatum, which cures untimely bald spots and gray hairs accompanied by eczema behind the ears, or natrum muriaticum, which cures white crusty scalps and post-partum greasy hairlines along with extreme dandruff problems. Also take selenium, another homeopathic remedy that addresses hair loss related to pregnancy, childbirth and nursing.
If you are prone to depression or have been severely ill for a long period of time, and you experience thinning and graying hair accompanied by rapid loss of hair, take phosphoricum acidum as an effective remedy.
Damaged Hair and Roots
Hair shafts and roots, along with your scalp, need nourishment to flourish. Sometimes, due to poor nutrition and slack hair care, your hair tends to become brittle and easily prone to breakage while your scalp becomes damaged due to accumulation of particles and debris. Try kali carbonicum for flaky, falling hair. To make your hair strong, healthy and lustrous, try wiesbaden and silicea. These will effectively control hair loss and promote hair regrowth.
General Measures
Wash your hair and scalp regularly and rinse well after shampooing. Avoid blow drying or heating the hair in any way and stay away from harsh chemicals used in hair colors and other styling products. Use combs with wide teeth while brushing, wear hats or scarves when you go out in the sun, and rest your head on soft pillows when you lie down.