Colloidal Minerals & Hair Regrowth
If you have a nutritional deficiency, it is likely that you will experience some hair loss. This is because your hair is a bellwether, indicating a variety of stressors including malnutrition.
If you experience hair loss as a result of a vitamin or mineral deficiency, then the problem could lie with your lack of colloidal minerals, even if you take a daily dietary supplement, because colloidal minerals are often hard to absorb and must be prepared appropriately before your body can use them.
Time Frame
Colloidal minerals may help hair regrow over the course of months or even years. It depends on whether they were the root of the problem, and whether your body absorbs them effectively. However, they should stop hair loss within a few weeks if they were actually the root problem.
Many people think that simply by adding a colloidal mineral supplement to their dietary regimen, they will resolve their balding issues in short order. However, correcting a dietary deficiency can take a long time, and there is little evidence that colloidal minerals alone will correct a hair loss problem.
Some types of colloidal minerals, like colloidal silver, are actually considered by the FDA to be a potential health threat. Consult your doctor if you experience unexplained hair loss and before you start taking colloidal minerals.