Emu for Hair Growth
The emu, an ostrich-like bird, is a survivor of prehistoric times, according to Emufacts.com. The emu provided the Aborigines with food, shelter, clothing and medicinal resources for thousands of years.
Emu oil
For thousands of years, the aborigines reaped the benefits of oil derived from the bird's fat, using it to heal skin. A study at the Boston University School of Medicine suggests skin-growing properties may benefit "sleeping" follicles, causing hair growth when rubbed into the scalp, according to Emu-oil.com.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Emu oil contains anti-inflammatory properties which help with dermatitis and other skin infections affecting the scalp and hair growth. This is due to Linolenic acid and oleic acid in the oil and the oil's ability to penetrate deep into the skin.
Fatty acids
Emu oil's rare concentration of Omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids make it a powerful skin healer, according to MedicalNewsToday.com. Fatty acids are also key components for healthy hair growth.
Cell regeneration
By increasing the synthesis of DNA in the epidermis (skin), emu oil promotes cell regeneration around the hair follicle, promoting follicle enlargement for hair growth, according to EmuStore.com. Follicle miniaturization causes hair to fall out.