HGH & Hair Regrowth
HGH seems to have a "tonic effect on hair," according to Dr. Ronald Klatz, an anti-aging educator. HGH treatment can help take a decade off a person's physical appearance, according to TestAmerica.com.
Study cited
Anti-aging claims cite clinical testing of HGH in which 38 percent of participants reported improvement in new hair growth. Hair grew thicker, quickly and true to color. This study of 300 people took place at the Medical College of Wisconsin between 1994 and 1996,
Related Research
A study on rats suggests that HGH improves hair growth by acting on intermediate follicles. Results showed enlarged and an increased number of growing follicles, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Some doctors warn of "anti-aging scams" exploiting HGH. Dr. Stephen Barrett's QuackWatch.com warns against nutritional supplement companies' "growth-hormone releaser" pills because amino acids taken by mouth cannot stimulate growth hormone release.
HGH therapy enhancements through injection are offered to bodybuilders for improved leanness and muscle mass. Manufacturers also offer it to people above the age of 30 as anti-aging treatment for wrinkles and hair growth.