Selenium & Zinc for Hair Loss
What is Selenium?
Selenium, a mineral acting as an antioxidant, is needed for proper immune and heart functions and is only needed in very small amounts. Selenium excess, selenosis, is diagnosed based on symptoms, particularly rapid hair loss.
Selenium deficiency and the thyroid
Selenium also is necessary for the thyroid gland to function normally. If the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, alopecia hair loss may result, according to the Merck online medical library. Selenium deficiency may also lead to viral disease because of lack of antioxidants.
What is Zinc?
Zinc is required for healthy skin, healing wounds and growth, and is distributed throughout the body, including in the hair. If zinc can't be absorbed by the body because of a hereditary disorder, hair loss can result. People with zinc deficiency may lose their hair in patches, according to Merck online medical library.
Zinc excess
Excessive zinc intake will affect the balance and proper absorption of other important
nutrients such as calcium, Vitamin A, B vitamins and magnesium. The imbalance and improper ratios of these vitamins and minerals may contribute to hair loss, among various other problems.
Treatment for selenosis and excess zinc involves reducing consumption of the minerals. Treatment with a selenium supplement may result in a complete recovery for those with the mineral deficiency. Zinc supplements can be taken orally until symptoms disappear.