Selenium & Hair Loss
Selenium, a mineral acting as an antioxidant, is needed for proper immune and heart functions. An antioxidant trace element, it protects cell membranes by working with vitamin E in the body. Selenium is needed only in very small amounts and helps maintain tissue elasticity.
Selenium Toxicity
Too much selenium leads to selenosis poisoning. Long-term exposure to high levels of selenium in food and water results in several dermatological problems, including reversible baldness. Diagnosing selenosis is based on symptoms, particularly rapid hair loss.
Since selenium enters the food cycle via plants through soil, it's good to live somewhere with high selenium content or eat food from these areas. Some countries, such as New Zealand, Finland and some areas of China deficient in selenium develop viral diseases as a result, according to Merck online medical library.
Selenium is also necessary for the thyroid gland to function normally. If the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, alopecia hair loss may result, according to Merck.
Treatment for selenium poisoning involves reducing consumption.Treatment with a selenium supplement may result in a complete recovery for those with the mineral deficiency.