Selson Blue & Hair Loss
Selsun Blue
Selsun Blue is the nonprescription brand name for the anti-fungal medicine used to treat dandruff. It contains 1 percent selenium sulfide topical and is sold in the forms Selsun Blue 2 in 1 Conditioner/Shampoo, Selsun Blue Balanced Treatment and Selsun Blue Moisturizing Treatment.
Selenium Sulfide
An antifungal agent, selenium sulfide inhibits the growth of P. ovale, a dandruff-causing yeast fungus. The drug also treats seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin condition that causes flaky scales on the scalp.
How It Works
Selsun Blue's active ingredient mediates dandruff by causing the skin to produce less cell turnover, according to, a drug information website. According to, it removes also removes the dry scaly particles, dandruff or seborrhea.
Harmful Side Effects
Selenium sulfide contains the element selenium, which is very toxic in large doses. If not used properly, it can cause hair loss as a side effect, according to, but this is considered rare.
Should thinning, balding, severe itchiness, redness or irritation occur, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.