Kelp for Hair Loss
What is Kelp?
Kelp is a large seaweed plant of the brown algae family classified in the botanical order of Laminariales. It contains high levels of silicon for renewing skin cells on the scalp. Natural sulfur amino acid content stimulates follicles for growth.
What Causes Hair Loss?
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack hair follicles by mistake, leading to patchy hair loss. Androgenic alopecia causes balding and can lead to hair thinning over time. According to, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis and eczema can also cause hair to fall out. Anti-depressants, birth control pills, and hormonal changes may also lead to thinning and hair loss.
Other algaes
According to, marine extracts Laminaria digitata algae and Undaria pinnatifida algae contain polysaccharides that leave a natural protective film on the scalp. Polysaccharides add humectant moisture and softness to the hair, according to, a beauty and wellness website.
Kelp for hair health and growth is available in diet supplement capsules for ingestion, or as a botanical ingredient in many commercial shampoos, conditioners and hair care products for topical use.
- reported the case of a 54-year-old California woman who developed hair and memory loss from kelp supplements. Doctors attributed toxic levels of arsenic from the kelp, as she was taking four times the recommended amount.