Hair Loss Cure: Electric Massage
Electric Hair Combs and Brushes
If you have experienced hair loss, you may have tried many different products and treatments to help your hair re-grow. There are several different types of treatments available, one of them being a home remedy known as electric massage. You can get an electric massage with an electric comb or brush. You can purchase an electric comb or brush that produces an electric energy, a plasma energy or even a laser energy.
The electric combs and brushes work by emitting a low-intensity plasma energy between the bristles. The energy will penetrate the skin, which will help increase the circulation in your scalp. The increase in circulation helps nourish the hair shafts and stimulate your hair follicles to grow. Your cells also release chemicals that help promote new hair growth. The massager can help add luster to your hair, making it thicker and shinier.
The benefits of using an electric scalp massager properly extend further. It will help to condition the scalp, encourage relaxation, decrease your stress and boost the strength of your hair roots. It can decrease split ends along with brittleness by spreading your scalp's natural oils throughout your scalp and hair.
You only need to use the electric massager a few minutes a day to get the benefits. There are no known negative side effects from the comb; however, one drawback is they are expensive. You can purchase an electric comb or brush online or in cosmetic shops that carry them. These items are considered cosmetic items.