The Effect of Soy on Hair Growth
Japanese men experience almost no male-pattern baldness, according to Stop Hair Loss Now. The diet of Japanese men includes a daily intake of 20 to 80 mg of genistein, which is derived from soy.
Stop Hair Loss Now recommends consuming 300 to 500 mg of soy extract daily to prevent hair loss.
Johnson & Johnson conducted a clinical study on the growth of leg hair and facial hair. Results suggest that a topical soy treatment could aid in the prevention of unwanted hair.
Soy contains isoflavones, which have been noted to be useful in the treatment and prevention of hair loss.
Research published in the "Biology of Reproduction" journal indicates that drinking soy milk can reverse male pattern baldness and reduce hair loss.
Soy extract stimulates estrogen receptors, therefore aiding in hair loss associated with menopause and the subsequent estrogen loss.