How to Lower DHT

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a chemical in the body that can trigger hair loss when produced in large amounts and might also be a factor in various prostate problems. As far as hair loss is concerned, excess DHT binds to the hair follicles. This interferes with their nutrient supply, causing them to shrink and eventually die. Excess DHT also enlarges the prostate, which can lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia and even prostate cancer.


  1. Tips for General DHT Reduction

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      Add soy foods to your diet. According to a Harvard Medical School Study published in a 2003 edition of the Journal of Nutrition, soy foods inhibit the formation of DHT. Whole soy foods like tempeh, tofu and soybeans are preferable to processed soy found in meat substitutes.

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      Drink black tea. The Harvard study also found that black tea decreased DHT formation. Green tea might be beneficial as well, the study noted, but black tea produced more benefit.

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      Work with a health care provider experienced in using natural medicine before turning to supplements. This is especially important when dealing with hormonal processes. Many supplements on the market claim to lower DHT levels but often do not have any solid science to back up their claims. Working with a knowledgeable professsional can help you design a safe and effective treatment plan.

    DHT Production and Hair Loss

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      Consider using Propecia for hair loss if you are a man. This FDA-approved treatment prevents testosterone from converting to DHT.

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      Use saw palmetto and licorice supplements. According to alternative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil, these supplements can lower DHT production. Consult with a practitioner experienced in using alternative treatments. Your best choice is a medically trained doctor who integrates natural therapies into his treatment regimens.

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      See your doctor about hair loss if you are a woman. In some cases, it is triggered by hormonal imbalances between male hormones like DHT and female homones. Your doctor can examine you and suggest treatments to restore hormonal balance and hair growth.

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