Loss of Hair Due to Hormone Changes
An overactive or underactive thyroid gland can cause hormonal changes that result in hair loss, especially for women. A woman's hair follicles and scalp are dependent on thyroid derived hormones for optimal health and growth.
Increased estrogen hormone levels during pregnancy means that a larger percentage of hair follicles remain in the initial growth phase. Following child birth, the scalp sheds the excess hairs, resulting in what appears to be excessive hair loss.
Like pregnancy, menopause changes the hormones in the body (such as decreased estrogen) and one result may be hair loss. Hormone replacement therapy for menopause may curb the hair loss problem.
Testosterone imbalance is one of the leading causes of hair loss for men. An enzyme in the hair follicle converts testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), and excessive amounts of DHT (resulting from excessive testosterone levels) results in male pattern baldness and hair loss.
Some medications may cause a hormone change in your body, leading to hair loss. These medications include blood thinners, high blood pressure and other heart problem medications, excessive Vitamin A supplements, birth control pills and antidepressants.