Herbs Remedies for Hair Growth
According to researchers studying American Indian herbs, horsetail aids in hastening hair growth. The silica content of the herb helps rejuvenate hair follicles to trigger growth, along with speeding up growth of fingernails and toenails.
Add a couple of teaspoons of horsetail powder to tea and drink it twice a day to promote hair growth. You could also have a couple of capsules of concentrated horsetail twice a day for three months for positive results.
According to Oriental herbalists, the Asian specialty herb gingko is another natural hair booster. Among many health benefits, this herb aids in blood circulation, which is crucial for the health of the scalp and hair follicles that in turn promote thick and lustrous growth of hair.
Powdered gingko is available readily in Asian grocery stores. A tea with a couple of tablespoons of gingko powder, taken twice a day for three months, may offer positive results. Or consume a couple of capsules of concentrated gingko powder every day for similar results.
Scalp Treatments
Some herbs can be of benefit when applied directly to the head.
Researchers claim that birch oil helps slow down the process of hair loss. Mix a couple of teaspoons of birch tree oil with your shampoo and apply directly to your scalp and hair. Leave undisturbed for about 10 minutes before washing away with cold water.
Or try rosemary. According to holistic researchers, you can take a handful of rosemary leaves in a pan and steep them in water. Simmer them for about 15 minutes. Then allow the brew to cool. Later, strain it and mix with a few drops of oil such as olive or wheatgerm. Wash your hair with your regular choice of shampoo then use this rosemary solution as a rinse for your hair. Keep for a few minutes and then wash away with lukewarm water.
You could also take equal portions of tinctures of horsetail, rosemary and birch and apply directly to the scalp to disinfect it and aid blood circulation.
For other scalp treatments as herbal methods for hair growth, massage any oil infused with tinctures of arnica, southernwood or marigold oils for effective results.
Burdock root helps detoxify the body of harmful substances that trigger hair fall. Add a couple of teaspoons of burdock root oil to your choice of shampoo and wash your hair normally with it.