Medical Reasons Why Hair Doesn't Grow
It is actually a drop in the male hormone androgen that causes a reduction in hair volume.
Androgen production spikes during puberty and begins to decline afterward. Although these hormones never disappear completely, their levels might drop too low to stimulate androgen-sensitive hair follicles.
Physical Damage
Any area that has been physically scarred does not contain the blood vessel infrastructure to support follicle growth.
Chemical Damage
Using harsh chemicals like bleaching agents, harsh cleaners and hair dyes can poison the hair follicle and cause slowing or cessation of hair growth.
Since hair is made of protein, a diet poor in basic proteins (meat, fish, cheese and dairy) and amino acids like L-Carnosine, L-Cysteine and L-methionine will inhibit growth.
Though the sun's infra-red light can stimulate hair growth, intense UV radiation will damage it and counteract any benefits.