Topical Agents That Promote Hair Growth
Minoxidil was the food hair loss treatment approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1988. Formerly a prescription product, minoxidil is now available over-the-counter in both 2- and 5-percent solutions.
Minoxidil remains a bit of a puzzle in regards to why it works, but it is believed to increase the size of the hair follicle, resulting in hair with a larger diameter, as well as extend the growing phase of the hair cycle.
Nizoral shampoo is a popular product for hair growth. While it is marketed as an antifungal dandruff shampoo, Nizoral's main premise as a hair growing product is its anti-inflammatory property.
The active ingredient in Nizoral is ketoconazole and the shampoo is available in a 2-percent solution with a prescription or as a 1-percent solution as an over-the-counter product. Nizoral should be used every three days.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is used by some people as a method of growing hair. The idea behind cayenne pepper is that it will act as an irritant to where it is applied, which will in turn increase circulation in that area.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is said to cure many ailments and is even used as a promoter of hair growth. It is believed to reduce oil output and deep clean the scalp.
Rosemary is another hair-growth remedy that is believed to deep clean the scalp and promote root health. Rosemary can be boiled in water or soaked in alcohol to make into a form that can be applied topically.