Hair Loss Diseases
Alopecia is an autoimmune disease which causes hair loss. Depending on the type and severity of the condition, alopecia can cause partial hair loss or complete baldness. There is no cure for alopecia, though various treatments such as corticosteroids, minoxidil, and psoralen plus ultraviolet A radiation have been known to help some sufferers.
Hypothyroidism is caused by a low functioning or inactive thyroid gland. Thinning hair and hair loss are common symptoms of hypothyroidism, and will usually subside once the condition is effectively treated with medication.
Fungal ringworm infections such as Kerion and Tinea Capitis can cause bald patches at the infected areas. Topical creams and antifungal pills and shampoos are effective in treating ringworm, though if left untreated, these infections can lead to permanent hair loss.
Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder. Those with this disorder compulsively pull, pluck or rip out their hair, often causing noticeable bald patches. This condition is often treated with antidepressants or behavioral therapy.
Anemia, a blood disorder related to iron deficiency, often causes hair loss. The hair follicles of those suffering from anemia don't receive enough oxygen. Eating a balanced diet rich in iron and vitamin C and taking vitamin supplements is usually enough to stop general anemia-related hair loss.
Lupus and Diabetes
Both lupus and diabetes can affect hair growth, and may cause hair loss in some sufferers. Decreased blood circulation in combination with stress may contribute to this problem. Properly managing these conditions through medication and a proper diet will help combat the hair loss associated with these chronic diseases.