The Best Way to Stop Baldness
The Truth
Although popular drugs like finasteride or minoxidil are said to slow hair loss and perhaps even grow new hairs, the truth is no method of completely stopping baldness (AKA alopecia) exists. Genetically inherited MPB differs from other forms of hair loss by following that familiar pattern of thinning at the crown and hairline of the scalp, leaving hair on the back and sides intact in a "horseshoe" type ring around the head. In addition to the oral and topical drugs, pricey hair grafts, spray on makeup that hides bald spots, and toupees (otherwise known as the "hair system"), many men and women deal with their condition by making changes that mask the appearance of losing hair without having to resort to any of the other previously mentioned methods.
Several shampoos have found their way to market, all unproven in regrowing hair or stopping loss, although horse hair shampoo was claimed to add body to thin hair which would help in hiding any bald spots. Some treatable medical conditions like hyperthyroidism exist that promote early hair loss; however, these aren't to be confused with MPB.
What Can Be Done
Besides the obvious method of simply shaving your head bald completely, a new hairstyle can provide an easy fix. Simply go with a shorter cut; the shorter hairs will blend with any bald spots and will give a more "even" appearance to hair growth. In the case of many men, balance can also be achieved with the short hair by growing in facial hair the same length as the hair on their heads. How short you cut your hair is determined by taste as well as the degree of hair loss you currently have. There is always doing the "comb-over," the combing of longer hair over a bald patch that will work for a time, at least until the patch grows too large to hide. Several men and women resort to wearing hats or keeping their heads covered while in public as a last resort to deal with their thinning hair. For those who've exhausted every method and don't desire surgery, acceptance may be the only healthy alternative. While this method won't stop the balding, it will certainly help with some of the mental anguish and negative image issues associated with thinning hair.