The Difference Between Telogen & Anogen Hair
Hair Growth Cycle
Hair growth follows a cyclical pattern with two phases -- anagen and telogen. Anagen is the active growing phase for hair while telogen is the phase in which hair loss occurs due to weak hair follicles. Hair does not enter from the anagen phase to the telogen phase directly. There is an intermediary phase called catagen, when there is neither hair growth nor hair loss. After catagen, hair enters the telogen phase, which lasts for 2 to 3 months, after which hair reenters the anagen phase, completing the cycle.
Healthy Scalps
The scalp consists of an average of 100,000 hair follicles. A healthy scalp has 90 percent of its hair in the anagen phase at any given time. The anagen phase lasts for 2 to 6 years and is determined by hereditary factors and age. As age increases, the anagen phase reduces. Thus, hair growth in children is faster than in adults. The remaining 10 percent of hair is in telogen phase. Hair loss in the telogen phase is not a cause for concern under normal circumstances because only 10 percent of hair is in this phase; more hair is in the anagen phase. So, there is net hair growth rather than hair loss.
Hair grows out of the hair follicle, embedded deep in the skin. The follicle receives nourishment essential for hair growth. An anagen hair has a longer hair shaft, enabling the follicle to go deep in the subcutaneous tissue. It is covered by well-developed dermal papillae and sebaceous glands, which bathe the hair and keep it healthy and growing. Anagen hair has a higher concentration of melanin so the color appears brighter and stronger. In telogen hair, the hair shaft is shorter and the follicle smaller. The follicle does not have any glands to support hair growth. The melanin content is also low. Thus, telogen hair is dull and tends to shed faster since the follicles are weak and unable to hold the hair in place.
Hair loss Treatment
Hair transplantation is one method to address hair loss. In hair transplantation, hair follicles are surgically removed and placed in areas that show hair loss. It is necessary to remove the anagen hair for this purpose. As anagen hair is in the growth phase, the results of the treatment will be visible sooner. Because hair growth is cyclical, telogen hair will also enter the anagen phase after a few months. Thus, telogen hair used for the transplant will give delayed results.