Reasons for Brittle Hair & Hair Loss
Hereditary Conditions
Several genetic conditions exist that cause brittle hair and hair loss. Trichothiodystrophy is acquired from a recessive gene from each parent and results in sparse, brittle hair because the hair shaft cannot absorb sulfur. Pili torti is a rare, inherited disease of the skin that causes hair to break off near the root giving patients the appearance of baldness. Eyelashes and eyebrow hair often fall out as well. Monilethrix is similar to pili torti in that it is an autosomal dominant disorder that makes hair so brittle that it breaks off near the scalp. Persons born with loose-anagen syndrome have hair that grows loosely in the hair follicle making it easy to comb out of the root.
Hair Styling
In an effort to make straight hair curly, kinky hair straight and dark hair light, many people subject their hair to harsh chemicals such as ammonium thioglycolate, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide. A weakened hair shaft and brittle hair often occurs when consumers apply these chemicals without consulting a licensed cosmetologist. According to Dr. Robert Schwartz, the frequent use of hair dyes, in particular, may cause acquired trichorrhexis nodosa. Trichorrhexis nodosa appears as nodes along the hair shaft at which breakage and hair loss occur. Tight braiding and hair weave bonding glue irritation are two additional styling mishaps that cause hair loss along the temple and edges of the scalp.
Dietary Deficiency
Certain nutrients are responsible for maintaining a healthy head of hair. Deficiencies in these dietary supplements often cause hair to shed in large amounts resulting in alopecia or dramatic hair thinning and hair loss. Necessary nutrients include protein, iodine and biotin. Protein can be supplemented with lean meat and/or dairy product consumption. Iodine-enriched salts can supplement an iodine-deficient diet and biotin is naturally available in egg yolks.
Miscellaneous Diseases
According to Dr. Seymour Weaver, III, some conditions do not have dietary attributes but are the result of infections, drug abuse or mental disorders. Trichotillomaniacs have an obsessive disorder that compels them to pull their hair out at the root. Ringworm is a common fungal disease that results in dry scaly patches throughout the scalp that causes hair to fall out. Sarcoidosis inflames the scalp and causes hair to fall out. Metastatic breast cancer can cause firm patches in the scalp from which hair falls outs.