How to Handle Baldness

Going bald can be a traumatic experience for many men, causing stress and loss of self-confidence. Making it more difficult, there isn't a cure for male pattern baldness, which accounts for 95% of hair loss in men, according to the American Hair Loss Association. Baldness happens when a follicle shrinks over time, resulting in shorter and finer hair, eventually shrinking until there isn't a hair. Depending on how important having hair is, various options do exist, each ranging in price and pain. Surgical treatments, for example, average $7,000, according to ABC News.


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      Get medical advice. Some hair loss can be the result of medical conditions other than male pattern baldness. Doctors can usually make a diagnosis based on the appearance and pattern of the hair loss, but skin biopsies can be performed if hair loss is atypical.

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      Styling options do exist. Men can sometimes style their hair to cover baldness. Hair weaving or hair pieces are also available. Hats can be worn.

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      Research medications. Minoxidil is a solution applied directly to the scalp to stimulate hair follicles. It slows hair loss for many men and some even grow new hair. The hair loss returns when you stop applying the solution. Prescription pills of Finasteride inhibits the production of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone. For many men, prescription pills offer more effectiveness than Minoxidil, but hair loss returns when you stop taking the drug.

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      Consider hair transplant treatments. A transplant removes tiny plugs of hair from areas where the hair continues to grow and places these plugs in balding areas. This can cause minor scarring and has a risk of skin infection. The procedure usually requires multiple transplant sessions and is often expensive, but results are permanent.

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      Make an appointment with a psychologist if necessary. Male pattern baldness can create stress, lower self-esteem, and cause anxiety. While most hair loss doesn't mean anything serious medically, the psychological effects can create havoc in a man's daily life. Seeking out a trained professional can help men cope with this change.

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