How to Treat Irritation of Eyelashes That Have Been Pulled Out
Things You'll Need
- Make-Up Remover
- Cotton Swabs or Cotton Balls
- Clean Washcloth
Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap before touching the eye area.
Remove contacts from your eyes if you wear contacts. Remove make-up and any remaining residue by dabbing oil based make-up remover on your eyelids with cotton swabs. Absorb left over make-up remover with fresh cotton balls.
Wet a clean washcloth with hot water and fold the washcloth so it will fit over your eyes as a blindfold would. Lay down and leave the washcloth on your eyes for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the washcloth has lost most of its' heat. Gently dab the eye again with the washcloth to finish cleaning the eyelash area.
Rinse the washcloth in cold water and refold the washcloth to fit over your eyes. Lay the cold washcloth on your eyes to reduce the swelling and irritation of the eye area. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as necessary to reduce irritation should it reoccur later.