Minoxidil Spray Tips
Apply minoxidil on your head by spraying it on an area that is totally dry, according to C-Star. Spray onto your head only as much as is prescribed by your doctor, and start by spraying it onto your scalp from the center of the area. Be sure to follow the exact directions of your doctor in applying the spray. After applying minoxidil to your scalp, you cannot shampoo your hair for four hours.
Taking Care of Your Scalp
When the minoxidil spray is on your scalp, you have to make sure you do not lose the effects of the spray. Do not use of a hairdryer after you have sprayed on minoxidil. If you use a hairdryer, you will also neutralize the effects of the treatment. Let your scalp dry naturally for two to four hours after you have applied the minoxidil before going to bed. The minoxidil on your scalp can stain your bed linen.
Weighing of Risk
Prior to your use of minoxidil, your doctor and you will have to make a risk assessment so that you are not ill-prepared for any side effects. For instance, you should consider any allergies that you might have observed from any past experience with minoxidil. A woman thinking about using minoxidil should be aware that it has not been studied on women, according to C-Star. You ought to also inform your doctor if you have had medical issues like hypertension or heart disease because their presence may affect how you are allowed to use minoxidil.
Side Effects
Using minoxidil may cause some side effects. If you experience them, quickly consult with your doctor. An uncommon side effect is the appearance of a rash. More common side effects include a burning sensation on your scalp, an increase in the loss of your hair, swelling of your face, a reddening of your skin, and soreness or inflammation on your scalp.