Signs and Symptoms of Premature Graying of the Hair and Beard
Premature Graying
Graying hair is expected to come with age. However, many people notice gray hair developing much earlier than they think. Gray hair is actually white, but the combination with your natural hair color gives it a grayish tone. Premature graying is actually a medical condition brought on by different factors. Luckily, it can be treated.
Signs and Symptoms
Gray hair is not the first indication of premature graying. You may originally notice that your hair has become dry and brittle. This is a classic sign of unhealthy hair. Another symptom of premature graying is hair loss. Again, unhealthy hair cannot maintain itself, so hair loss is not surprising in this case.
A common consensus is that gray hair is caused by stress. This is actually true. When an individual is stressed, anxious or frightened, the skin tightens up. In turn, hair follicles in the face and scalp cannot receive adequate nutrients. The end result is unhealthy hair that turns gray. Stress aside, the ultimate cause of premature graying in the hair or beard is vitamin deficiency. Malnutrition does the same thing as stress, starving the follicles of nutrients. The most important vitamin for hair maintenance is vitamin B.
Since vitamin deficiency is the root cause of gray hair, logic would dictate that an appropriate diet is important, especially with vitamin B. Calcium is also needed, so try adding yogurt, fruit, fish and fresh vegetables to your menu. A seemingly unconventional treatment is black strap molasses. This can be obtained at any grocery store. Eating a few teaspoons can treat gray hair because molasses is rich in nutrients like iron, calcium and magnesium. Finally, prevention is the best way to deal with premature graying. Simply take the above precautions before you notice any signs of gray hair.