How to Grow Hair Back With Diet
Things You'll Need
- Eggs
- Meat
- Poultry
- Salmon
- Liver
- Beans
- Cottage cheese
- Avocados
- Nuts
- Legumes
- Olive oil
- Dates
- Raisins
- Dark leafy greens
- Whole grains
- Yogurt
- High-fiber cereal
- Flax oil
- Tofu
Eat a Varied Diet of Whole Foods Rich With Nutrients
Amino acids are imperative for hair growth, so getting enough protein is essential. Eat high-protein foods such as meat and poultry, eggs, salmon, tofu, beans, eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese. For fish and meat, the average serving is roughly the size of a deck of cards, and dairy products are generally a half-cup. Vary your protein sources with each meal.
Men deficient in vitamin B have shown hair growth when given vitamin-B supplements. Animal studies have also linked B-vitamin deficiency to hair loss. To add B vitamins to your diet, eat whole grains, meat, eggs, poultry and bran cereal, or take a B-Complex supplement.
Vitamin E improves oxygen intake and therefore improves circulation to the scalp, helping hair to grow. For vitamin E, eat avocados, nuts and seeds, and healthy oils like olive oil. A vitamin-E supplement of 400 I.U. per day is also beneficial.
Studies show people with hair loss often show low iron levels in the blood. To increase iron intake, eat dark leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, dates and raisins, lean beef and liver. Iron supplements can be dangerous, so stick to iron-rich foods unless your doctor diagnoses iron deficiency through blood tests and prescribes a supplement.
Essential fatty acids help improve texture of hair, reducing brittleness. For EFAs, eat salmon and healthy oils like flax seed, olive or grapeseed oil.