How to Prevent a Beer Hangover
Avoid drinking alcohol, including beer. This is the only sure fire way of preventing a beer hangover. Drinking small amounts of beer will, for most people, also prevent a hangover.
Drink plenty of water before, during and after drinking beer. The hangover headache is actually a sign of dehydration so drinking water will help minimize the potential dehydration.
Have beer after drinking other alcoholic beverages but not before. Beer is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream than many other alcoholic drinks and will cause those beverages to also be absorbed quickly if you drink beer before them.
Consume a glass of milk before you begin drinking. The milk will retard the alcohol absorption and help protect your stomach from irritations.
Eat while you are drinking beer to prevent a hangover. Starchy foods in particular will slow alcohol absorption and aid in digesting it.
Limit yourself to one drink per hour or less. Drinking more slowly will help prevent a hangover.
Take vitamin B. A good dose of this vitamin has been shown to replenish some of the lost water-soluble vitamins from dehydration.