How to Treat Hormonal Headaches
Keep a journal of your headaches: when they occur, how intense they are, and what you took to treat them. This will help you and your doctor determine the exact kind of headaches you are having (they may not be hormonal).
Get plenty of exercise. Exercise is known to help regulate hormone levels and reduce our overall stress (something else that increases our hormone levels). Talk to your doctor about an exercise plan that is right for your body.
Change your birth control pills or stop taking them entirely. Many women end up with hormonal headaches during the middle of the placebo course of pills when on birth control as their hormone levels change dramatically from synthetic to natural.
Talk to your doctor about prescription medication in the event that your headaches are either hormonal or migraine related. This is usually the next step when other, less potent treatments fail.
Consider alternative medicine options like acupuncture, chiropractic care and even medicinal teas and herbs. Several alternative medicines have shown great promise in helping to alleviate some of the symptoms and pain associated with hormonal headaches.
Change your diet. Your diet plays a major role in your overall health, and often your hormone levels are altered or determined by your diet. Talk to your doctor or speak to a nutritionist about what type of diet you should be on.