How to Treat Cluster Headaches
Begin an oxygen treatment at the onset of the cluster headache. Oxygen, when delivered in time, has shown promise in reducing the severity and duration of a cluster headache and, on occasion, preventing one. After the onset of a cluster headache, however, oxygen has been shown to have little abortive or restorative effect.
Talk to your doctor about the possibility of using Lidocaine as a pain remedy for cluster headaches. Lidocaine can be administered directly into the nose (inhaled in a mist form), and this has been shown to have some effect on the pain, although this method is the least practical for long-term application--there are many side effects from inhaling anesthetics.
Take a cold shower. Cold showers can help to reduce the pain, although they do not work in an abortive manner. Cold showers are also not 100 percent effective in helping to treat a cluster headache, instead being used as part of an overall treatment plan.
Consider using magnesium supplements, which have been shown to help 40 percent of patients prevent cluster headaches.
Take melatonin, a supplement that has also been shown to have some effect on the onset and duration of cluster headaches. Melatonin is a hormone that is primarily responsible for helping us regulate our sleep patterns, so you might want to see what effect it will have on you before you attempt to operate a car or machinery.