How to Use Chiropractic Care to Treat Headaches
Use the advice of your doctor regarding the use of chiropractic care. Their assistance will help you determine the best possible tools to treat your headaches, as well as even provide suggestions for reliable chiropractic care centers in your area.
Use chiropractic care to treat other ailments like tension in the neck or stiff joints and muscles. These are often among the leading causes of headaches, especially tension headaches. Talk to your chiropractor about other ailments or concerns and see if they are contributing to your headaches.
Combine chiropractic care with traditional treatment to help increase the odds of reducing or eliminating your headaches. Usually a good combination of diet and exercise along with a prescription medication and chiropractic care can have dramatic effect on your headaches' duration and intensity.
Use massage to help increase the effectiveness of chiropractic care. Massaging the muscles in the head and neck are is known to help dramatically reduce tension and alleviate the symptoms of more intense headaches.
Avoid using chiropractic care as a treatment for cluster headaches as there is little evidence supporting its effectiveness in treating them. Cluster headaches should be treated with oxygen and even hormones if they are strong enough.