How to Avoid Wine Headaches
Determine the type and quantity of wine that triggers your headaches. For most, this is red wine and the amount can be as little as a third of a glass. Try to narrow it down even further. This method is not foolproof, but at the very least, you can rule out wines that have caused you headaches in the past.
Avoid cheap wine. The more expensive the wine, the greater the chance that you can sneak away without a headache. Again, it is important to emphasize that wine headaches have no cure, so this may not be true of every cheap wine, and every expensive wine.
Steer clear of heavy reds. Red wine headache sufferers will have better luck with lighter wines, such as pinot noirs, Spanish wines, and some Italian wines. On the other hand, big-bodied cabernets and French Bordeaux wine, along with other Italians and port wines, can be headache inducers.
Develop a liking to white wines. Your chance of suffering from a wine headache is greatly reduced when drinking white wines. Chardonnays and sauvignon blancs, even dessert wines are a much safer bet.
Hydrate. No matter the wine, if you drink multiple glasses while dehydrated, your head will pound much, much harder. Drinking water is a common piece of advice, but is even more important for avoiding wine headaches. Keep your fluids up and you just might be able to flush that nasty headache right through your system.
Keep your stress level low and drink in moderation. Some developing evidence suggests that high stress situations and excessive indulgence will heighten your chance of getting a wine headache.