How to Treat a Headache Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Coffees
- Bromelain
- Calcium Supplement
- Glucosamine Sulfate
- Lavender Oils
- Magnesium Supplement
- Peppermint Oils
Give yourself a mini-massage at the first sign of pain. Using the pads of your fingers, press gently and rub the scalp, back of the neck, temples and shoulders.
Apply heat or cold, or alternate between the two. Take a hot bath or shower, or place a hot, wet washcloth or heating pad on the back of your neck. Place an ice pack on your forehead, the back of your neck or the top of your head.
Put a few drops of lavender or peppermint essential oil into the bath, or rub a few drops on your temples, the nape of the neck and the hairline.
Drink an herbal tea of feverfew, which helps to relieve headaches, or chamomile and peppermint, which are calming. A cup of hot, strong coffee helps to relieve congestive-type headaches.
Take supplements if you get headaches frequently. Calcium and magnesium relieve muscular tension, the enzyme bromelain reduces inflammation, and glucosamine sulfate can help to relieve pain.
Visualize the muscles inside your head and neck loosening and relaxing. Try to hold the image for at least half a minute every hour.
Avoid gum, drinks with ice, ice cream and salt. All of these can worsen a headache.