What Can You Do About Headaches From Dexedrine?

Dexedrine is a prescription drug that is used to treat such disorders as depression, narcolepsy and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. It can take several weeks for the drug fully to take effect, but results can sometimes be seen in four or five days. Dexedrine can be addictive and should not be taken if you have any history of drug or alcohol abuse. Occasionally, Dexedrine can cause severe headaches as a side-effect, and there are several things to try to get rid of them.
  1. Wait It Out

    • If you have just started taking Dexedrine, it may take your body some time to fully adjust to it. Many people who have reported headaches from Dexedrine have later reported that those symptoms faded after they had been on the drug for a while. If the headaches are bearable and not disruptive, see if they start to fade on their own in a week or two. Always consult your physician before taking any pain medication, and alert your doctor immediately if the headaches are severe and impair function.

    Experiment With Heat and Cold

    • The application of heat can frequently be helpful with headaches, as it helps the neck and face muscles relax and can also open up the sinuses, which is often useful. Use a hot-water urn or boil water over a stove and carefully breathe the steam in through your nose. Turning the oven on and then letting the heat waft against your face can be helpful as well for some people. Always use caution when using devices that are capable of high heat, so you do not get burned. A warm washcloth over the eyes and sinuses can produce similar effects as well. If this is not working for you, try the opposite route and apply a cold compress to the back of your neck, forehead and sinus areas. This can also help numb the pain for some people.

    Use Relaxation Techniques

    • Stretching can be beneficial for people with headaches because the body will frequently start to cramp in response. Use of a massager or vibrator over the neck and temples can also help in pain management. Avoid running it over your face directly unless the device is designed for it, and follow all operating instructions. Meditation can help you block the pain out, so it is not as noticeable. Also try taking a nap as this can allow the body to reset itself and the pain will frequently be gone when you wake up.

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