Natural Remedy for a Migraine Headache
Homemade Remedies
Vegetables and fruits can play a major role in helping to relieve migraine pain. Grinding lemon rinds and rubbing the resulting paste on the forehead is a helpful remedy for migraines. Grinding fresh grapes and drinking the juice without adding water is also helpful. Crushed fresh cabbage leaves can be made into a compress to be held against the forehead. A juice toddy can be made by combining beet, cucumber, spinach and carrot juice. The vitamin niacin is also beneficial at relieving headache pain. It can be found in sunflower seeds, nuts, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, liver, tomatoes, yeast and fish. Niacin can also be taken in a tablet format.
Exercise and Aromatherapy
Regular exercise is imperative for warding off migraines. It can aid in releasing endorphins, which are the body's natural painkiller. Try walking 30 minutes a day. Aromatherapy in the form of lavender, eucalyptus, sandlewood or peppermint is beneficial and can be found in soaps or candles. Regular massages can also help to ward off migraines as can a cold pack. Using packs made out of flax seed on your eyes along with buckwheat pillows can aid in easing migraine pain.
Preventive Remedies
It is important to drink lots of water to stay as hydrated as possible. Eat smaller meals to keep the digestive system running more smoothly. Stay away from sugar, white flour, sweets, pickles, preserved and greasy foods, and refined cereals. Try fasting for two or three days, consuming only orange juice and water to cleanse the system. Follow up the fast with meals comprised mostly of fruits for several days. Running a humidifier in your room can be advantageous. If you are a smoker, quit to help stave off migraines. Try to keep to a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up around the same time each day.