How to Avoid Barometric Pressure Headaches
Things You'll Need
- Journal
- Humidifier
- Massager
- Hot and cold compresses
Write down the weather conditions in a journal every time you feel a headache coming on. Over time, you will start to notice trends in which weather conditions affect your headaches.
Use a humidifier to adjust the amount of moisture in the air on days when the weather could cause headache issues. If more humidity brings about headaches, use a dehumidifier instead.
Use relaxation techniques such as meditation, acupuncture and yoga to prevent your muscles from tensing and counteracting any swelling of the blood vessels in the head when you feel a barometric pressure headache coming on or if the weather conditions indicate that one may begin. A massager can also be used on the temples to achieve this effect.
Experiment with the application of heat and cold. Heat can sometimes relax the facial muscles and relieve pain while cold compresses can numb pain effects for some individuals.