Relief for Headaches Due to Mold
Headache Remedies
First and foremost, a headache should be dealt with to lessen or eradicate pain. Use an over-the-counter pain medication or holistic remedy of your choice to address pain on an immediate and ongoing basis, such as Melatonin, cayenne herbal supplements, magnesium, vitamin B2, feverfew and ginkgo biloba.
Mold Eradication
Research to find the best eradication method for your particular situation. Find a mold consultant in your area to get an evaluation and to find out the best remedy available. Mold is an unavoidable part of the air. It is not possible to eliminate the spores entirely, but mold can be lessened and limited by using certain techniques. Mold can have some unpleasant and adverse effects on health, so it is advisable to take action to limit exposure to it as much as possible.
Mold Reduction Remedies
For situations such as workplaces and living spaces that would require major overhauls, some simple tactics can help to reduce the effects of mold. Environmental changes, such as placing a dehumidifier in various rooms, is a good start. Old pillows, bedding and other items that are routinely located on couches and beds could be switched out, cleaned or replaced entirely. Another tactic is to regularly spray down the area with clean air fresheners or steam, followed by drying the area.
Cleaning is one of the best defenses against mold. Regularly replacing bed linens, blankets and pillows on a weekly basis can be very effective for handling mold and allergies. Offices and bathrooms need close attention. Mold grows quickly on bathroom surfaces due to steam and moisture. Using dehumidifiers in office spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and places that are typically damp is also a good strategy for dealing with mold.
Limiting Mold Exposure
Consider using systems that involve heat and air movement, like air purifiers that can help to lessen the effects of mold in the air. Have the air in your home or office tested to find out what kind of mold exists. You will probably find that taking action to prevent inhaling the mold as much as possible will greatly reduce muscle and tension headaches. Take action to clean or replace carpeting, windows, furniture and office equipment on a regular and continual basis.