Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Migraine Headache
Types of Medications
Three categories of medicines for migraines are analgesics, ergotamines and triptans, according to the American Headache Society. Analgesics are over-the-counter remedies such as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen. These are general pain relievers and are inexpensive. However, overuse of analgesics may make the headaches worse in the long run.
Both ergotamines and triptans are migraine-specific pain relievers. Ergotamines are available in oral, rectal or intranasal forms. They may cause nausea. Therefore, your doctor may prescribe an anti-nausea medication with this type of pain reliever. Triptans come in seven different forms. They can be tablets, nasal sprays and injections. You can request your preference. Triptans work best if you take them when the migraine is first coming on.
When you take medication, you should be pain-free in two to four hours. Your medication of choice should work more than half of the time, and you need to be comfortable with your choice. If these conditions are not there, you need a different treatment. You should be able to know if the medication is working by the second time you use it. Another factor to consider in taking any type of medication is that the earlier you take something, the more likely it is to work.
Preventative Measures
If you get more than nine migraines a month, you should try preventative measures. According to the, healthy habits can sometimes ward off migraines.
When the migraine first comes on, stop what you were doing and go to a dark, quiet room to relax or sleep. You can try putting either hot or cold compresses on your head and neck. Choose whichever one works better for you. Have someone give you a shoulder or neck massage. Drink a little caffeine if you use an analgesic for pain relief. Caffeine can enhance the effects, but too much caffeine can lead to headaches later.
If you are in general good health, you may be less likely to get migraines. Sleep well; eat the right foods at the same time each day. Do not skip breakfast. Exercise, but start slowly if you do not already exercise, because too much or too vigorous exercise can trigger migraines. Manage your stress levels. Try some deep breathing exercises for 20 minutes each day. Inhale through your nose while your diaphragm rises and slowly exhale through your mouth.
There are migraine support groups that you can join. They will help you in your efforts to take control of your life by controlling the pain.