How to Get Rid of Ocular Headaches
Rest in a quiet room or other area--free of noise and lower light levels, if possible. If you are able, place a warm compress or washcloth over your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes as needed. This can lessen the tension in the eyes and surrounding areas causing the ocular headache.
Take an over-the-counter remedy designed to treat headache pain. Ocular headaches lack the typical symptom of pain associated with the typical headache or migraine, but in some cases, it may occur.
Take a break from activities that require sharp vision or active vision use, such as reading, writing, and using the computer. Allowing the eyes to rest will allow the muscles in the surrounding area to relax as well, resulting in a decrease in symptoms and pain.
Drink a small cup of coffee or tea. Low levels of caffeine can reduce pain and other symptoms. However, too much caffeine can produce the opposite effect, so carefully monitor your caffeine intake.
Apply pressure and massage the temple area for several minutes. Also massage the back of the neck at the base of the skull. Both areas can store tension and cause a headache. A gentle massage even for a few minutes can ease pressure and symptoms.
Schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. Your doctor can offer suggestions to alleviate symptoms and pain. Also, regular vision checks can help prevent ocular headaches because not having an eyeglass or contact prescription, or having the wrong prescription can trigger eyestrain, eventually resulting in a headache. Ocular headaches may also be related to other eye problems.
Schedule an appointment with a physician. Frequent ocular headaches can indicate other medical problems relating to hormones, high blood pressure, and other conditions. Prescription medication may be recommended if headaches are frequent or severe.