How to Soothe Headaches
Things You'll Need
- Ice Pack
- Heat Pack
- Analgesics
Know the type of headache that you are the most prone to get. If you typically suffer from a hormone-related headache, such as a menstrual migraine, you can attempt to prevent the headaches by taking NSAIDS (such as Fenoprofen, Flurbiprofen, or Naproxen) for 2-3 days before your period starts.
Seek assistance from your physician for migraines (characterized by auras, light sensitivity, intense pain on one side of the head and often accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting). There are many prescription medications which are effective for treating migraines. These can include NSAIDS, anti-depressants, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers.
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. In other words, not only should you be getting enough sleep, but you should get the same amount of sleep every night. Many headaches develop when the normal sleep pattern is disrupted.
Add magnesium to your diet. Dr. Christina Peterson, a neurologist in private practice and the medical director of the Oregon Headache Clinic in Oregon City, Oregon, reports that magnesium or Feverfew (an herb) may reduce the frequency of migraines.
Exercise frequently and consistently. The chemicals released during physical activity can help to prevent headaches by blocking the pain signals to your brain.
Avoid trigger foods and/or beverages. Excess caffeine can cause irritability, stress and subsequently, a stress-induced headache. Many people have sensitivities to red wine, chocolate, and certain processed foods. Keep a journal and note the foods that precipitate your headaches.
Soothing headaches
Take an over-the-counter analgesic containing caffeine, acetaminophen and aspirin (such as Excedrin) as soon as you feel the headache starting. Be sure to take this with food as it can cause stomach upset on an empty stomach.
Drink fluids. Many headaches stem from being dehydrated.
Apply ice to the top of your head. Use a bag of frozen vegetables or place ice chips in a plastic bag, and wrap the bag in a towel.
Apply warmth to your shoulders/neck area to ease any tension that you may have developed in the muscles of your shoulders and neck. A rice or corn filled bag that can be heated works well.
Sleep if you can. Sometimes a throbbing headache will dissipate if you are able to get past the pain and fall asleep.