Difference Between Types of Headaches
Stress or anxiety can cause tension headaches. These headaches feel like a rubber band of pressure around the head. Usually over-the-counter pain medication can ease tension headaches.
Cluster headaches appear suddenly and without warning. They are excruciatingly painful with a stabbing pain in one area of the head or face, usually around the eye. They usually last less than an hour and then disappear, but can reappear later.
Migraines are painful headaches that can also cause nausea and sensitivity to light. Migraines can be treated with prescription pain medication, specifically triptans, which constrict blood vessels and relieve painful inflammation.
Inflammation of the sinuses can cause pain and pressure in the face, resulting in sinus headaches. Treating the infected sinuses through saline solutions, decongestants or other drugs can stop sinus pain.
Headaches also can occur because of hormone imbalances, fatigue, poor nutrition, and alcohol. Some people get headaches from caffeine, while others find that the absence of caffeine can cause a headache, especially if the body is used to daily caffeine intakes.