Recipe for Moisturizing Nasal Spray
Simple Mositurizing Recipe
The simplest and most straightforward moisturizing spray requires salt, corn syrup and water. According to the website FamilyPracticeNotebook, all you need to do is place 1/2 tsp. of noniodized salt, 1 tbsp. corn syrup and 1 cup of warn water in an empty clean jar and mix. If your nose is dry mainly from congestion and irritation, use 1/4 tsp. baking powder instead of the corn syrup. You can use a bulb, an ear syringe or even a dental water jet to rinse your nose. Repeat a couple times a day.
Grandmother's Recipe
Kitchen recipes for moisiturizing sprays have been in some families for generations. You can administer this particular recipe as a spray or with clean fingertips. Warm a tablespoon of olive oil by holding the spoon over the gas flame of the stove for a few seconds; you want it just above tepid. You can either transfer this to a small spray bottle or use your finger tips. Administer the olive oil to entrance of your nostrils, both outside and inside. This remedy is especially nice right before going to bed to prevent dryness upon waking. If you don't have olive oil, use petroleum jelly.
Eucalyptus Spray
According to the book "Herbal Antibiotics: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria" by Stephen Harrod Buhner, you can make a nasal spray that not only moisturizes but helps fight sinus infections. The recipe calls for five drops each of eucalyptus tincture, usnea tincture, echinacea tincture, juniper tincture and sage tincture mixed with three drops of grape-seed extract. Place the ingredients in a 1-oz. nasal-spray bottle with 1 oz. of water and spray as often as needed.