Migraine Relief Exercise
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise is proven to relieve migraines, according to the Headaches Update Web site. A study of migraine sufferers who engaged in aerobic exercise showed they had less intense headaches and headaches for shorter periods of time than migraine sufferers who did not participate in aerobic exercise. The migraine relief is attributed to endorphins and other chemicals that are triggered through exercise.
With aerobic exercise you have a variety of choices. You can go for a walk, ride the treadmill, go for a bike ride, or take a swim.
Range of motion
Innerself, a self-help Web site, recommends loosening your body for migraine relief. Move all joints in your body, one a time, and complete a full range of motion.
Another loosening exercise focuses on the head specifically. While sitting, let your head relax and be as droopy as possible. Move your chin as close as possible to your upper chest. Swivel the head in a clockwise fashion gradually several times. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
Hang upside down
Hanging upside down or standing on your head can offer migraine relief. Letting the blood flow to your brain improves circulation. Try to stand on your head for at least a minute, and then gradually increase the amount of time upside down. If you have back problems or if your head hurts too much, you might want to refrain from this exercise.
Have sex
People often use a migraine as an excuse for not having sex. However, having sex can offer migraine relief. The greater the orgasm, the greater the reprieve from migraine suffering, according to headacheupdates.com.