How to Fix a Killer Sinus Headache
When a bad sinus headache strikes, it seems like the dull, throbbing deep pain in your forehead and face will never stop. You cannot lean over because that makes it feel like your head will explode.
Treating the underlying sinus problem is the best way to avoid or fix a bad sinus headache. Doing certain things and using some techniques can help you get rid of a killer sinus headache as well as reduce its re-occurrence.
Things You'll Need
- Saline nasal spray
- Hot shower
- Humidifier
- Peppermint or eucalyptus oil
Increase your water intake if you feel a sinus headache coming on. Mucus thickens and blocks the sinus passages, causing a headache; by drinking water it will thin out the mucus and decrease blockage.
Buy a saline nasal spray and use as directed on the package. An alternative to a saline spray is to boil water in a pot and lean your face in with a towel over your head while you inhale the steam. Do this for five minutes at a time. The steam will open up the blocked nasal passages.
For headaches that are severe enough, follow the steam treatment with an over-the-counter decongestant or antihistamine. But be aware that these medicines can cause drowsiness.
If your headaches are frequent, invest in a humidifier for the house, or get a portable one. Dry air can trigger and worsen sinus headaches. Boiling a large pot of water and letting the steam circulate throughout your home will also provide moisture. The steam will open your nasal airways.
Add eucalyptus or peppermint oils to the boiling water to further open the nasal passages and to ease breathing. By doing this regularly, the occurrence of sinus headaches will lessen, as the moisture will help keep nasal passages open.