Alternative Therapy for Tension Headaches
According to an article in "Science Daily," headache sufferers can benefit from acupuncture. Chinese acupuncture is all about releasing blocked energy. An acupuncture treatment can cost about $100 but is often covered by insurance. The needles are relatively painless and may provide immediate relief. For the chronic sufferer, several appointments may be needed for long-term pain relief. Be sure to speak with your physician before trying acupuncture.
Acupressure is another alternative therapy for headaches and the benefit here is that it can be self-administered. Place your hands on the back of your head. With your thumbs, find the area on either side of the base of your skull, about half way out from the middle of your neck on either side respectively. Use your thumbs and press in toward the middle. Press hard and then knead in small circles for about two minutes or until you find relief.
White Willow Bark
If you do not want to take over-the-counter and prescription medications, white willow bark is a natural alternative. It is akin to aspirin and has been around since the 19th century. It contains salicylic acid, which is the active ingredient used for pain relief. As with any supplement or alternative medication, check with your doctor before taking.
A relaxing massage may help to relieve tension headaches or at least soothe you while you are in pain. Kava Kava, an herbal supplement available at health food stores, is a mild sedative and will help you rest. If stress is the reason for your headache, you may try a hot bath or relaxing herbal teas such as chamomile or valerian root, which is a natural sedative.