Headaches Due to Nitrate Allergy
Nitrate Allergy
Nitrates can cause different symptoms in different people. Many suffer from headaches, but often they experience other symptoms such as asthma, urticaria or rhinitis.
Natural Sources of Nitrates
Nitrates are found naturally in a number of vegetables, such as potatoes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and lettuce.
Foods Preserved with Nitrates
Many cured pork products, including ham and salami, are preserved with nitrates. It is also commonly used in making wine.
Nitrate Reaction
Nitrates react in the body to become nitrites, and this chemical reaction leaches oxygen out of the bloodstream.
Nitrite Reactions
Nitrites are the real cause of the headache. They can also cause flushing of the skin of the face and neck or a gray pallor due to a lack of oxygen.