How to Diagnose Migraines
Symptoms of Migraines
Ask other family members if they also have headaches. Migraines are genetic, while cluster and tension headaches are not. If other members of your family get headaches, there is a good chance you have migraines.
Rub your temples during a headache. If this relieves the pain you may have a migraine as migraine headaches will often start on one side of the head and sometimes will shift to the opposite side during the attack. Usually the pain is felt in the temple. Tension headaches can be felt anywhere in the head, but the pain is most severe in the neck, shoulders and back of the head. Cluster headaches are always on one side of the head and are most often accompanied with a severe pain in or behind the eye. The pain is often said to feel like a hot poker being driven into the eye.
Turn off lights, music and other noise makers. Light and sound sensitivity are also very common with migraine headaches.
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Look at a blank wall and feel your finger tips and face. About 15% of migraine sufferers will have a warning called an aura. The aura most often affects vision: zig-zag lines, twinkling lights, and blind spots. The aura can also come in the form of numbness in the hands or face. The aura will usually last less than an hour and almost always subsides as the headache comes on.