What Causes Frequent Headaches?
Frequent headaches can cause missed work, school time or other activities. The key to the proper treatment of a headache is knowing the underlying type and cause. There are different types of headaches and they are not all treated with the same medications.-
Types of headaches include migraine, sinus and tension. Of the three, a migraine tends to be the more severe in terms of pain, lasting for hours and sometimes days. Tension headaches occur due to stress, while a sinus headache is brought on by sinus pressure.
Migraine treatment is two-fold. Medication is taken at the onset of a migraine and daily preventive medication is taken to lesson the occurrences. Tension headaches are treated with ibuprofen, acetaminophen and relaxation. A sinus headache is treated with nasal sprays or an antibiotic if an infection is present.
Migraines tend to run in families. Tension headaches appear to be the most common.
More women than men tend to suffer from migraines and tension headaches, while sinus headaches appear to affect men and women equally.
People with continual headaches should see a doctor to rule out serious causes and to find other treatment options.