Why Caffeine Causes Headaches
For some people, caffeine can be a cause of headaches.
Caffeine is a diuretic, encouraging your body to get rid of water and key minerals along with it. This can cause or exacerbate headaches in some people.
People who regularly consume caffeine will sometimes get withdrawal headaches when their daily caffeine intake is dramatically reduced. Slowly weaning yourself from caffeine can help prevent caffeine withdrawal headaches.
Because caffeine is often taken by people who are not getting enough sleep, or who need a burst of energy, those who drink large amounts of caffeine are often those who are most anxious or stressed. Headaches thought to be associated with caffeine might actually be due to anxiety.
A study by the Sapir Medical Center in Israel found that in children with chronic headaches who drank about 200mg of caffeine per day in soft drinks, the headaches went away within two weeks of ending caffeine intake.
Although caffeine has been linked to headaches as a cause, it has also been a remedy. When taken in small amounts it can constrict blood vessels, helping relieve migranes, in addition to making painkillers more effective.